Friday, October 9, 2015

The Limits of the Sharing Economy

                                                Comments due by Oct. 16, 2015

(Is it practical to think about global welfare without thinking about a serious redistribution of wealth? GK )

The Catholic Church and the United Nations sometimes sound like idle dreamers. But Pope Francis’ concern for “the well-being of individuals and of peoples”, as he put it to the U.S. Congress last month, is actually quite practical. So are the 69 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. Both target the area where economics and finance have so far failed.
For anyone who thinks all people deserve the same opportunities, the state of the world is scandalous. One-fifth of the global population suffers from hunger and malnutrition. Larger portions lack clean water, have little education and live in the midst of toxic levels of pollution.
The components of prosperity are well enough understood to end all of these global-scale tragedies. But people just don’t think globally. Resources, products, ideas and human beings move more or less freely around the world, but economic solidarity still doesn’t.
Consider a prosperous family in a Detroit suburb. Its economic community is global. It extends well past inner city Motown. It reaches to India, Iraq and Mexico, the countries which Global Detroit consultants say contribute the largest number of immigrants to the region. Indeed, it reaches to anywhere in the world the prosperous family might consider visiting.
Suburban Detroiters might say they already struggle to find much solidarity with poor Detroit city, just a few miles away. They are quite right. It is always a struggle to think bigger. It is more natural to think selfishly, or to promote the good of a smaller community – a family, a tribe, a nation or some shareholders. Technology companies like AirBnB and eBay get people to think of distant strangers as peers, but where overall prosperity is concerned the sharing economy still runs up against limits.
The welfare state shows that people can learn to expand their horizons. Systems designed to protect, nurture and equalise take the idea of solidarity and extend it to everyone inside the national borders.
Mobile phones are another example. While nations once jealously guarded domestic producers and technology, the industry is now global. The same mobile handsets are sold almost everywhere, and the raw materials, parts and expertise which create those phones are gathered from almost everywhere. Apple and Samsung design smartphones to be used in Angola as well as America. A similar reliance on global commonality is seen in aircraft, mining, cars, software and pharmaceuticals.
Finance, meanwhile, hasn’t lived up to expectations. Institutions which can safely move funds from place to place have been supporting traders for centuries. More recently, banks and other intermediaries have become more global in their approach to investments. But the record is mixed. Financial globalisation has been marred by recurring problems with trade imbalances, excessive third-world debts, and rapacious demands on poor countries.
Organisations can do more. The United Nations, the World Bank and many specialised bodies are already quite global. In the economy, they spread cash, high standards and noble aspirations. The new Sustainable Development Goals are a good example of the last. These multinational institutions can be expanded. They can also be encouraged to focus on the most needy. If every leading university and research institute adopted a counterpart in a poor country, the gains could be significant. Funds would be found once the global solidarity mindset prevailed.
Multinational companies already do a lot of global sharing, but they too could do more. Shareholders would have to get used to getting only cash left over after increased spending on solidarity. That already happens in the mining sector, where most governments only approve projects which include expensive commitments to local communities. Even if shareholder value purists may not like to admit it, companies already have obligations to their communities which take precedence over profit-seeking. For example, shareholders only get the cash left over after taxes are paid.
There are undoubtedly many other ways to help bring the economic world closer together. Ideas will really start flowing freely when most people decide that global solidarity is more of an obligation than an aspiration. The warm welcome Germany is giving to refugees from Syria and Afghanistan is a moving example of how an enlarged definition of “who we are” changes behaviour.
However, as yet such neighbourly sentiment rarely crosses political borders. That could change. A good way to start the process is to plan to tear down some of the national walls around welfare states. That might sound a stretch. French voters, for example, would never approve combining their government-funded medical system with the comparable arrangement in Bangladesh.
Still, smaller steps towards a welfare world-state are quite possible. A large universal fund for disaster relief might be a good start. The misery caused by floods and wars brings sympathy in rich countries and drags down development in poor ones. Besides, the World Bank has already started, with a Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance facility. It could be expanded. A more ambitious initiative would be a global medical training plan, funded by national contributions set according to wealth and disbursed across the nations according to need. Cross-border migration could be another frontier for shared global policies and funding.
Global welfare might sound like a pipe dream. Then again, universal national pensions, healthcare and unemployment benefits were considered crackpot notions not that long ago. These days, people are encouraged to think big. Nothing in the economy is bigger or better than global solidarity.(Edward Hadas)


  1. This article demonstrates that not everyone is well being individual in this world, there is one fifth of the world population actually suffer from malnutritions and hungers. Most of them are actually lack of educations and clean waters. They also live in nasty environments with toxic levels of pollutions. Global welfare becomes a concern and a dream. The example of Suburban Detroit shows that it is always difficult and struggle to look outside of the boxes and have solidarity. We as human are often and nature to think of ourselves first before others. it is important to understand sharing economy and solidarity are keys to have prosperous world . By tearing some of the national walls around the welfare states is a good first step to start.

  2. "Organisations can do more."The quote sums up the entire article. In light of recent trends, it seems that constant habit by organizations and companies is to pursue "solidarity" instead of practicing more global sharing; more than they are accustomed to. With the recent events of refugee incidents, Germany has been the exception in the attempt to extend the "sharing" beyond their borders. Companies and Organizations, even other countries, can begin to follow in their footsteps. A lot can be done to restore balance, and rid the world of corruption, unequivocal distribution of wealth, resources, etc.

  3. The article is an incitation to what Edward Hadas calls "Global Solidarity". in a world where "one-fifth of the global population suffers from hunger and malnutrition. Larger portions lack clean water, have little education and live in the midst of toxic levels of pollution", it seems inhuman to be selfish.
    Hadas calls for a more global mind. A little idealistically, he believes in a world with equal opportunity for everyone. By asking organizations to do more, in terms of sharing the wealth and breaking down the frontiers, he hopes to make a more unified world.

  4. Yes, I think it is practical to think about global welfare without thinking about a serious redistribution of wealth. About five percent of the global population “suffers from hunger and malnutrition”. The world has become more connected to each other as the apple and Samsung example shows. Their mobile devices aren`t just used in the U.S, they were designed and produced to use everywhere in the world with resources that come from everywhere in the world. The simple sentence “Organizations can do more” describes and sums up what the world should be about. Companies around the world already do a global sharing, Germany help refugees that come from the Middle East, and companies like the UN, the World Bank and many others “spread cash, high standards and noble aspirations” around the world. The article suggests that a “large universal fund for disaster relief might be a good start.” Even though the World Bank has already started a disaster risk financing and insurance facility, it could still be expanded. The rich and strong nations should help the poor ones more to also stimulate their economy.

  5. There can't be sustainable development if the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. One-fifth of the global population suffers from hunger. The effects of financial globalisation include trade imbalances and excessive third-world debt. Organizations such as UN, and World Bank can use funds to help the poorer countries. Global welfare can be achieved in the future. Organizations do have the ability to share the wealth. If there is a a narrow gap between rich and poor, then sustainable development would be achieved. Disaster risk financing and insurance facilitites can still be expanded.

  6. Vinay Kaushik

    The "pipe dream" of reducing global welfare can become a reality with the help of corporations and organizations. With nations now being extremely interconnected with each other it is important that there is an equal amount of support across the board. The lack of clean water, education systems and the high amount of malnutrition is unacceptable for the type of globally connected environment we live in today. A redistribution of wealth and investment is required to permanent fix these problems. I am curious to learn what the authors view point is on the new trade agreement of the Trans Pacific Partnership. This deal connects the US and Americas to Asia, excluding China, with the idea of free trade. It will remove barriers of foreign investment and streamline procedures to make trade more viable for nations. The TPP has potential to create jobs in these nations which can also help reduce welfare.

  7. This article was very optimistic which I appreciated a lot. Being an economics major, I’ve learned a lot about pessimism. You always have to be rational and consider the consequences and most people are greedy but this article makes me feel somewhat otherwise. I love how the author mentioned how resources, products and people are moving all around the world but economic solidarity isn’t. That concept seems quite hypocritical in itself. We can let resources and people move freely but not wealth? That makes me think of the fact that the most resource rich countries are the poorest. I read an article in the Bloomsburg Business newspaper about the “Robinhood” affect. The “Robinhood” affect is the idea that if the 1 percent gave their wealth to the lower 99 percent, economies would boom. The article claims that that theory wouldn’t work but I think that is a very negative view. Yes, the top 1 percent would somehow collect all their money back again but think about the productivity that the lower 99 percent could output. I also found the concept the author mentioned about how Mobile phones were often kept secret between countries but now, an iPhone is sold in every country very interesting. Another thing I found very interesting was the concept of having a universal fund for disaster. Like universal health care, this would act as a cheaper way to fight disasters. Not everyone breaks their leg at the same time so the money that is pooled in by everyone will go to the ones who need it. Disasters are the same. There is very rare occasions where two separate severe natural disasters will occur at one time. Instead of paying billions all at once, countries can pay an annual million or two and the money will go to the countries that need it. I’m sure there are flaws to that concept but I still think it is a brilliant idea.

  8. The above article describes that not all individuals are living a good quality of life and that some are suffering from malnutrition, hunger, lack of education and natural resources. The article explains that although it is at times difficult to see outside of our current situation, we must perceive the global economy as being one whole, and focusing on how to keep it sustainable for all living on Earth. According to this article, we, as Edward Hadas explains, must focus on the idea of global solidarity.

    The idea of companies putting a heavier focus on fairly distributing their profits is an idea that could have drastic and positive impacts on the global economy. In order to have a uniform goal of global solidarity, we must take on the practices that have been implemented by multinational companies. Within these companies, global sharing has had a positive impact. As a start, the article mentions that we can at first focus on the poorest areas, and ensure that they have some of the wealth that they need in order to be self-sustainable.

  9. The above article starts by saying that sometimes the church and the UN sound like idle dreamers. The writer is clearly trying to mention that in the past these two institutions have come up with goals that were almost impossible to achieve. However with the new SGDs the writer thinks that the Pope; UN and the governments are coming together. He talks about institutions like organizations; the World Bank; multinationals could do more to help on a global level.

    The author also uses mobile phones as an example of how technology is now traded globally. Furthermore, he firmly believes that once the initiative has been taken ideas will start flowing in. He supports the idea of funding disasters around the world with a common fund. However, i feel that it will be very hard to maintain the transparency and accountability for these funds. But if it is achieved it could be one of the biggest projects under the UN.

  10. Although it is safe to say that companies/corporations have made incredible progress in the way for goodwill and charitable actions, Edward Hadas captures the essence of this article in one phrase; “Organisations can do more”. While in recent years we’ve seen strides made as far as globalization, both socially, technologically and financially, the author believes that there are still stark inequalities for our communities elsewhere. Although it is often hard to step outside one’s own current situation and view the economy as a global whole, this article stresses the need to do so in order to keep up steady, even and sustainable growth across the board.
    The idea of global welfare is the underlying web that ties both the Pope, a religious figure, with the UN, a nonsectarian organization whose one main focal point is the poorer countries without running water, education or daily meals. Although both of these organizations, catholic church and the UN, have often been considered idle dreamers because of their large and often “far-fetched” goals to end world hunger reach income equality, I think it is important to have because if we have the rest of society backing this idea of “all for one” rather than “all for the [insert country/city]” it could really shift the way the global economy has been working as of late.
    Because of these dreamers and our recent shift towards globalization I do think that global welfare can be seen without wealth redistribution attached to it. Global welfare is a more social, more humane approach to making the entire world, not just the country one lives in, a habitable place with enough resources to be able to survive.

  11. This article talks about the gaps and inequalities that are visible in today's world. It states that "one out of five person in the world suffers from hunger and malnutrition, and even more lack clean water, lack education, and live in an area with toxic pollution levels". To change this, and for everyone to have equal opportunities, Edward Hadas calls forth what he calls "global solidarity". We should basically start to look at issues from a global point of view rather than at a smaller scale. If organizations were willing to do more when it comes down to sharing wealth and assets, it would be a great step towards "global solidarity" as well as towards the SDGs, which would be much easier to realise if the world was really united.

  12. Economics and finance have failed in the topics that the 69 sustainable development goals and the Pope's views about the "well-being of individuals and peoples" address.The current situation today is that one-fifth of the population suffers from malnutrition and hunger, while more than that doesn't have clean water, have little education, and are surrounded by mass amounts of pollution. If all people deserve to have the same opportunities, then at the very least, they should have access to them. The major issue here is globalization. Globalization is a part of our daily lives from our cellphones, laptops, cars, etc., however finance was never globalized.
    Redistribution of wealth could have some impact in aiding with the global welfare since many of the industries are globalized.

  13. This article basically says that big corporations should take more of their profits and out them towards helping the more needy and deprived better themselves. There are many people in the world who barely have clean drinking water that is essential for survival. Taking profits to help these people causes major problems for corporations. Its basically taking money right out of shareholder and investors pockets. It is a very difficult solution and one that is hard to over come.

  14. - John D'Onghia

    In order for full sustainability to finally be accomplished it is going to take a lot more than just the average person pitching in. Its going to require help from the rich and powerful people in the world. They are the ones that control the worlds money supply, and the worlds jobs. With the help of the rich and powerful we will be on a better track to sustainability. The World Bank can help the powerful in productive projects that will produce profits and also help with world welfare.

  15. Christopher McDermottDecember 17, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    More then anything, this article outlines the concept of benevolence. It suggests that the rich upper class of the world, and the major corporations need to be integral in helping people if there is any chance of an end to world hunger and poverty. Redistribution of wealth is a must
